Spring Break Camp

We made it back out to the camp spot over spring break for a couple of nights. It was super convenient having the tent already set up and we all had a great time.
The Camp Site 2.
3. Brett and Oren carved the kids knives and they had so much fun with them. You can spy them in all the outdoor photos I think.
4. She's our camp baby! Having two tents was quite convenient, and we figured we were living well with a "cook tent" and "sleep tent." 5. Waiting for dinner and listening to Harry Potter.
6. Lunch/snack time in the cook tent.
7. Oren watching a camp robber (gray jay)
8. Snowshoe hike
9. The knife. again.
13. We went out fishing on Day 2. There was a stiff north breeze and no fish, but still a good outing.
14. Most of the crew. (The tan dog is one we were dog sitting for the week.)
15. Big brothers helping Anya
16. Our dog, Kiva
17. On day 3 Brett took the kids to set a couple more traps while I started to get camp packed up. They had a blast jumping into the deep snow.
18. One more shot of our camp baby. She sleeps in her merino wool base layer, hat and wearable sleeping bag from Morrison Outdoors. When it gets cold I pull another sleeping bag over her. She had a hard time falling asleep on the second night. Finally Istripped her down to her base layer and just let her lay on top of her open sleeping bag. She was content and I fell asleep....and didnt wake up until the stove died down. She was still just kicking away, happy as could be in the cool air.
19. The kids love a Mountain House meal
20. They each bring a book to read and we usually listen to an audio book at bed.
21. They love their bunk bed cots.
23. Getting lunch ready. I premade some Quinoa Salad, but it froze in the cooler. Brett was able to thaw them in water on the stove.


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