Early this past week in school there was a large bull moose that slowly circled half of the school before it took off in to the tundra. I happened to see the moose right before 5th hour. It was probably about a hundred yards away when I first saw it. It is hard to imagine how big these animals actually are. They are really tall too. When I got home from work that day I heard on the vhf that a high school-er had shot the moose down past the airport. Apparently he asked to use the bathroom and then never made it back to class. I guess sometimes playing hooky pays off!
On the fishing side I finally managed to hook a number of Dolly Varden on Sunday. The first time that I hooked a lot of them in one day. This past weekend was beautiful weather. Mid sixties with bluebird skies, hard to beat. I was sweating my butt off on my walk to the pit to fish.
Kayla had to make a quick trip to Kotzebue this weekend to take a praxis test to be qualified to teach elementary. She left at 5 on Friday and got home at 11 on Saturday. It is being paid for by the school and it is a good thing too, because she is already qualified to teach middle school and the "No Child Left Behind" program will not be in effect next year making the test next to pointless. It is funny how a community can be close knit over such a wide area. Kayla was worried about getting groceries from the store to the airport, making it from the hotel to the college where the test was, and making from the hotel to the airport. She ran into a teacher from Noatak at the grocery who offered to bring the groceries to the airport in the morning. Then another first year teacher who had to take the test gave her a ride to the airport after the test. Nothing to worry about. I am glad that it was only a one day trip.
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