Kids will be Kids


I was catching up on my grading this weekend and a few of the assignments. We had a big unit test in reading. There was a questions about the mood that the setting of the story created, and to make it a little easier to understand, I said think about the feeling the setting creates. How does it make you feel? Well, one of my students took it very literally. He wrote, "I get a boring feeling when I read the story."

Then, I was grading journal entries and one boy was writing about a hunting trip. He had include his feelings in his writing, so he wrote:
"After we drove the boat to the shore, we saw the caribou trying to crawl away. My dad ran up to it and stabbed it in the neck. I felt strong because we had to carry the caribou to the boat."

Weekly Panoramic


  1. Zooming in on the panoramic gives me that weird feeling.

    where you feel its just you and yourself and the world is a distant cold place but a fog in your memory.

    where time is not broken by days and weeks, but by the eons since God created the heavens and the earth.

    and the wind that blows cold has no beginning nor end, but rather is continuous movement... where change is the only constant.


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