Snow is Here

On Wednesday, we woke up to cold weather and, today, Sunday, we woke up to SNOW!  Snow here brings such excitement--it means caribou, moose, "hooking" (ice fishing), and snow machines.  The caribou are getting close.  I have had students out this week for subsistence leave.  If they go hunting or fishing for subsistence, they are excused from school. 

We have a Spirit Week this week at the school, and Wednesday is "snow machine brand day."  That is the day that my kids are most excited for.  There is a big argument between Polaris and Artic Cat, and my class is split about 50/50. 

One thing that is kind of neat here is that everyone "celebrates" Sunday, meaning that they do absolutely nothing on Sundays.  There is church 2 times, Sunday School, and Youth Group, but no one even thinks about work.  Here that means no one fishes or hunts either.  We were going out fishing one Sunday, because to us it's "fun."  One of the students called me and aked what we were doing.  I said we were going to fish, and she replied, "You're going to FISH on SUNDAY?!?!"  I forgot that to them, fishing is working--it's collecting food for winter.

Alision with her dog, Tucker.  He was excited to see the snow on the ground!
Can you see the snow?


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