Riding around on the Honda's

I was going to title this post hunting, but then I decided I will wait until I actually shoot an animal before I use that title. The past couple of nights I have went out with John and Kyle looking for moose, caribou, or bear. John is a high school teacher here and Kyle is the husband to an elementary teacher at the school. I rode on the back of John's wheeler. I am pretty sore after two consecutive nights bouncing around on the back of a Honda.
Tuesday night we went about five or six miles upriver. It has not rained for a while now so the trails are very good for riding on. Most of the trails are in dry river beds. When there has been a lot of rain the river beds are not dry and that makes it difficult or impossible to go very far on a four wheeler. We checked a few likely spots for moose but did not see anything until we came out to the main river channel. We stopped and looked around and Kyle had just started on the trail when what looked to be a cow stepped out of the willows and onto the river bank. It was still across the main channel about 200 yards away. We yelled for Kyle to turn around and John got his binoculars on it to try to see if it was a bull or a cow. The cow then trotted across the river to the same side as us but it went into willows and evergreens that we couldn't get through. We tried to detour around and maybe intercept it but we were cut off by deep water and impenetrable willows. We ended up where John flooded his Honda last week. I guess it was later in the day and it was hard to tell how deep the water was. He tried to cross and found out that the water was at least up to his handle bars on the four wheeler. Needless to say, he didn't make it across.
Yesterday we took a little bit different trail where we ended up a few miles farther upriver than we went the day before. We then backtracked following the main channel to the same spot where we saw the moose. Except this time we were on the other side of the uncrossable channel and impenetrable willows and in much better position to intercept the moose if it showed again. We waited and watched for a while but unfortunately that moose or any other moose didn't show up. We also found a pretty good spot to sit and watch for caribou to cross the river. Kyle saw a bear on the way back but John and I were a little behind and weren't able to see it before it took off into the willows.
I heard that there is a caribou herd of about a thousand in the flats across the river from town. I think on Friday John, Kyle and I might go sit and watch for caribou.
PS- When I say Honda it means four wheeler, everybody here calls them Honda's no matter who the actual manufacturer is.


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