First Snow!

So, I was innocently teaching math this morning to half-sleeping 5th graders, when one of the girls in the back sat up a little taller.  "Is it snowing?" she asked.
I looked outside, but I didn't see any flurries, "No, I don't think so, let's focus on math."  A couple of minutes later, another girls pipes up (obviously not focused on math), "It IS snowing!  Look!"  Sure enough, snowflakes were swirling around.  Of course, we all had to go over to the window and look, "teachable moments."  It snowed the whole morning, but by the time I walked home all the snow was melted.  I think it's safe to say this is the earliest I have ever seen snow!

My students are convinced that I have eyes in the back of my head.  One day, when I was teaching a boy got out of his seat, "Sit down, please."  
He couldn't believe it, "You can't see me!"
"Don't you know that all teachers have eyes in the back of their heads?"
"No they don't!" 
"Yes we do, otherwise how would we always watch you?"
They still didn't believe me, so they held up fingers behind my head.  I guessed correctly all five times!  They went to Alision's room later that day and asked her why she didn't tell them about the eyes on the back of her head.....never a dull moment!


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