Rain Rain....

I finally got the importance of "getting out" into the village today.  
The day did not start well.  The kids were pills this morning, and after lunch I had them practicing how to walk in the hallways.  The afternoon improved a little.  In science, we were making models of backbones with wagon wheel pasta, lifesavers, and pipe cleaners.  The kids really enjoyed it, and when I asked the kids how our models were like our backbones and how it helps us move, one boy (who usually isn't 'with' us) raised his hand and said, "the lifeavers FLEX so we can move!"  YAY!!!
Then, Doris and Stan (high school teacher originally from MI has lived up here forever...all his kids have been raised in Noatak) invited me and Alision over to their house for dinner.  We left at 5:00 from the school and started to walk.  They live all the way at the end of town (like a 30 minute walk).  On the way from the school a guy with a truck offered us a ride, so we jumped in :) Then we had a delicious dinner and wonderful visit at Stan's.  They have a gorgeous two story house.  It is the last house in town and set up on a hill over looking the river.  The view is breath taking!
It has been raining way more lately than it has in the last many many years.  The river is SUPER HIGH.  On the way back from Stan's I stopped to take some pictures of the boats.  They are docked right along the side of the river, farther up river than usual because it is so high.  As I was snapping pictures of the beautiful landscape, one of the elders in the village pulled up and introduced herself.  She was all excited to tell me that she just saw two caribou, so we sat and watched for some more.  In the meantime John (teacher) and some more people from the village pulled up.  They had heard over the VHF that there were caribou.  One of the ladies I was talking to was telling me that she was mad that everyone was scaring the caribou.  She said that you have to let the first ones by so that they next ones will follow.  If the first ones never cross, then the ones that come after probably won't either.  Visiting with everyone made the evening very nice! I forgot about the tough morning!
Then a guy was making me an atluks (totally did not spell that correctly), and he finished it today.  He brought it over tonight.  It is like a traditional dress-wear, kinda like a long coat type thing that you wear inside.


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