Three more kids were out today for subsistence leave.  I was talking to some people about the weekend and they were all going hunting and were putting away the trampolines so they have a place to clean the caribou!  The kids LOVE the trampolines.  I don't know what they would do without it, because that is all they do after school.  
(This is a picture of Alision and I--the 5th/6th grade teachers)
I was showing the kids some pictures from the San Diego Zoo (from when I went with the Seniors this summer), because we were talking about vertebrates in science and reading about pandas in reading.  Part of the way through my little presentation, one of the quiet boys raises his hand, "I sure wish I lived in your and Alision's country."
"What do you mean?  We live in the same country."
"No we don't.  It's way different."


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