I didn't realize how long it has been since I have written.  I guess it got super busy again! The caribou are close so all of my kids have been hunting and camping.  We were supposed to go "up-river" last weekend, but Lori and Mark's boat broke the day before.  They went hunting and on the way back, the lower unit seized up and they had to float back down the river!  They did get a caribou out of the deal, though.  Everyone here goes out in the boat and shoot the caribou when they are swimming across the river, so they tried it too!  Mark cooked us a couple of amazing caribou steak/burger dinners afterward.  Caribou is like venison....only way better :)
One of the boys in my class was out for the end of last week.  When he came back in on Tuesday, I asked him how hunting was.  "It was bad (sweet).  We CAUGHT a huge moose and five caribou."  Everyone here says caught instead of killed.  They don't "kill" the animals, they "catch" them. :)


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