Sun Rise

I just wanted to post a few of these pictures.  I don't have much to say, but there has been some BEAUTIFUL sun rises here.  OH! I had two kids out on subsidence leave today.  They were going caribou hunting "up river." 
We had our New School Year Open House at the school tonight.  It was nice to meet some of the families and elders from the village.  We ate caribou soup :) My kids took 150 pictures with my camera there, so I will try to post some later.  I just want to show you some of these other pictures.  The light blue building is the post office. The store is the big tan building with the sign on it, and the church is the other yellowish building.  The picture with the actual sun rising above the mountains is taken from the deck of the school overlooking the playground.  The other sunrise was right outside our apartments.


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