The Moose Hunt

One of the other teachers here, John, went out caribou hunting last night.  He ended up seeing a moose instead of caribou and shot at it 8 times-and got it.  It was across the river, so they had to use a boat to get it back (apparently, it was quite an adventure).  When I got back from school today John, Darlene (Middle School teacher), and Dave (my mentor teacher) were butchering the moose.  

I was walking home and there were just caribou head sitting on the side of the road.

Alaska has a state mentoring program.  Dave is my mentor, and he is in charge of 15 other 1st and 2nd year teachers.  He travels around to the different villages and meets with us and helps us out.  It was nice, he helped me with some discipline/management issues I've been having.


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